Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Licence : G. James, Introduction to Numerical Methods, 31 hETD, L3, Grenoble INP - Pagora (1st year).

  • Licence : G. James, Normed Vector Spaces, 26 hETD, L2, Prépa INP, Grenoble.

  • Master : G. James, Numerical Methods, 91 hETD, M1, Grenoble INP - Ensimag (1st year).

  • Master : G. James, Dynamical Systems, 45 hETD, M1, Grenoble INP - Ensimag (2nd year).

  • Master : Vincent Acary, 17H éq TD Systèmes dynamiques, ENSIMAG 2A.

  • Master : Franck Bourrier, 5H éq TD Modélisation des chutes de blocs, Master GAIA, Université Savoie Mont-Blanc.


  • PhD in progress : Rami Sayoud, Analyse vibratoire des armoires électriques, January 2018, université Grenoble Alpes, Vincent Acary and Bernard Brogliato

  • PhD in progress : Benoit Viano, Nonsmooth modelling of impacted elastoplastic beams, November 2019, université Grenoble Alpes, Vincent Acary and Franck Bourrier.

  • PhD in progress : Charlélie Bertrand, September 2018, Mechanical model for cable vibrations, ENTPE, Claude Lamarque and Vincent Acary.

  • PhD in progress : Christelle Kozaily. Structural analysis for multi-mode DAE systems, Octobre 2018, V. Acary and B. Caillaud.

  • PhD in progress : Vivien Cros, Analyse de la réponse vibratoire d'arbres sous sollicitations dynamiques, November 2018, université Grenoble Alpes, Franck Bourrier.


  1. Bernard Brogliato was referee for the Ph.D. thesis of Arindam Bhattacharjee (April 2019), IIT Kanpur, India, (supervisor Prof. Anindya Chaterjee, Mechanical Engineering Dept. IIT Kanpur), New approximations in vibroimpact problems.